Starbound Best Mech Weapon

What's your optimal mech weapon loadout. It takes a while, especially trying to get a good core and booster. I would go to an ice star, find an enemy ship, and skim across the bottom of the zone until I got super close to the ship. MECH MASS-Now mechs parts have mass based on the part stats, the higher the stats the more mass the part will have.-Mech part mass will be shown on the item tooltip.-Mechs will gain bonuses and penalties based on mass. A health bonus based on mass; A speed penalty up to 70% less speed based on mass; More energy drain up to 0.3 more based on mass.

Solus Katana Mech Arm
Mech Component

Starbound Best Mech Parts

Starbound Best Mech Weapon May 24 2020 Combat is as big of a part of Starbound as it's ever been, if not more so with the game's new bosses and sub-bosses.

Starbound Best Mech Weapon
A powerful mech weapon made for Asra Nox's 'Swansong' mech.
Energy Usage0.30 MJ/s
Legendary 6200

Starbound Mech Mods

Solus Katana Mech Arm is a arm part mech component which can be collected after defeating the boss Swansong.

It's the only mech weapon with a power rating of 5. This arm component can be equipped on either or both mech arm slots.

It's a melee weapon, and allows the player to lunge forward to strike.


How To Upgrade Mech Starbound

  • itemName: mecharmsoluskatana

File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem mecharmsoluskatana
File Name mecharmsoluskatana.item
File Path assetsitemsgenericmechpartsarm
Mech Components
Mech StationsMech Part Crafting Table • Mech Assembly Station
Mech MaterialsSalvaged Actuator • Salvaged Armor Plate • Salvaged Interface Chip • Salvaged Nano Receptacle • Salvaged Power Coupling • Salvaged Proton Limiter • Salvaged Thruster Nozzle
Mech Parts
ArmsBeam Drill Mech Arm • Beam Sniper Mech Arm • Cannon Mech Arm • Cluster Mine Mech Arm • Drill Mech Arm • Dual Rifle Mech Arm • Energy Blade Mech Arm • Energy Rifle Mech Arm • Flak Cannon Mech Arm • Gatling Gun Mech Arm • Gravity Mine Mech Arm • Guided Missile Mech Arm • Heatrifle Mech Arm • Homing Missile Mech Arm • Missile Rack Mech Arm • Neo Chainsaw Mech Arm • Plasma Drone Mech Arm • Shield Drone Mech Arm • Solus Katana Mech Arm • Spikefist Mech Arm • Split Shot Mech Arm • Swarm Drone Mech Arm • Tesla Stream Mech Arm • Tommy Gun Mech Arm • Wobbleshot Mech Arm
BodiesArthuria Mech Body • Arthuria-00 Mech Body • Beat Mech Body • Champion Mech Body • Champion-00 Mech Body • Cyclops Mech Body • Dominion Mech Body • Dominion-00 Mech Body • Exodus Mech Body • Golem Mech Body • Golem-00 Mech Body • Hero Mech Body • Kabuto Mech Body • Kabuto-00 Mech Body • Lilotron Mech Body • Marshal Mech Body • Marshal-00 Mech Body • Miniknog Mech Body • Nightwinder Mech Body • Occasus Mech Body • Occasus-2 Mech Body • Protector's Mech Body • Reactor Mech Body • Shockhopper Mech Body • Skulduggery Mech Body • USCM Mech Body • Venturer Mech Body • Venturer-00 Mech Body
LegsArc Mech Legs • Basic Mech Legs • Hermes Mech Legs • Hopper Mech Legs • Intrepid Mech Legs • Ronin Mech Legs • Sleek Mech Legs • Twinjet Mech Legs
BoostersAstro Mech Boosters • Basic Mech Boosters • Gallant Mech Boosters • Hammer Mech Boosters • Sleek Mech Boosters • Stalwart Mech Boosters • Zed Mech Boosters • Zero Mech Boosters
HornsAirhorn Mech Horn • Bike Bell Mech Horn • Bull Mech Horn • Charge Mech Horn • Clown Mech Horn • Foghorn Mech Horn • Melody Mech Horn • Robot Voice Mech Horn • Rubber Duck Mech Horn • Sports Mech Horn • Steam Whistle Mech Horn • Toy Mech Horn • Train Whistle Mech Horn • Truck Mech Horn
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