Download and get information about Dual Monitor Software, Hardware Requirements about setting up Multiple Monitors. Download Mouse automation utilities such as Auto Clicker to automatically keep mouse cursor clicking, Auto Typer to type automatically on Keyboard, Mouse Mover to keep Mouse Cursor Moving, Auto Mouse Click to create and run Mouse Click Scripts and more Software Downloads. For quick information about all the softwares available, please do have a look at the Site map or browse software downloads with screenshots and detailed information below.
Nov 01, 2019 Murgee Auto Clicker Crack Full Registration Key. Free mouse auto clicker windows download free Free Auto Keyboard Software with this Auto Clicker to help. Gimkit — This is the new kid on the block! Murgee Auto Typer Software Utility v1.1. MurGee Auto Mouse Mover v1.3.3. MurGee Auto Mouse Click v1.1. MurGee Auto Mouse Mover v1.3. MurGee Auto Keyboard v1.0. MurGee Network Controller v1.2. MurGee MurGeeMon v1.8. MurGee Display IP Address v1.0. MurGee ScreenSaver v1.1. Grand theft auto.
Mouse Automation Software Downloads : Auto Clicker to keep mouse clicking, Auto Typer to type on keyboard, Auto Mouse Clicker is a Mouse Automation Software, Use Auto Mouse Click to automatically click mouse with a script, Auto Mouse Mover to keep mouse moving.
Dual Monitor / Display Software : MurGeeMon
MurGeeMon is a Dual Monitor Software providing various useful features for Dual Monitors / Displays. MurGeeMon allows greater control over your Dual Monitors connected to your Computer. You can easily change Monitor Background / Wallpaper, Configure Monitor Settings, Control Power State of Dual Monitors and much more. Many features of the software work for multi monitor windows computer as well such as moving window across monitor, turning off all monitors with a single shortcut and many other features which can be used readily with triple or quad monitor windows computer.
Download MurGeeMon (A Dual Display Software) and try it for Free or read more about the Dual Monitor Software. Changing background of second / secondary monitor was never so easy. Download Dual Monitor Software utility and use different wallpaper on each desktop easily and quickly.
The Dual Monitor Software presented here is targetted towards providing all the functionalities to control dual monitors. As wallpaper is an integral part of every monitor, so can be the Screen Saver. Now by using LogOn ScreenSaver Changer which is an addon for the Dual Monitor Software presented here, you can easily control the Screen Saver that is displayed by Windows Operating System when you have not logged onto the computer.
Have a look at original size Screen Shots of the Dual Monitor Software. The Screen Shots are of original size to give you an idea about the Software before downloading the Dual Monitor Software.
Auto Mouse Click
Auto Mouse Click Software Utility to auto mouse click mouse at defined location. Use Auto Mouse Click Software utility to automatically click left or right button of mouse. Read more about Auto Mouse Click software utility. Download the Auto Mouse Click Utility Now now and automate mouse clicks.
Automate Left Button click of mouse, Right button click of mouse and even simulate double mouse clicks with this Auto Mouse Click Software Utility. Select X and Y co-ordinates with a simple hot key press. Save mouse clicks in a file at location of your choice. Drag the mouse clicks file onto the application to load saved mouse clicks and much more in the Auto Mouse Click.
In case you do have Dual Monitors connected to your computer or a single monitor with big resolution, you can even go for another software named Auto Mouse Clicker which is another software with a big window to allow you to create and execute mouse automation scripts. Auto Mouse Clicker comes with in built way to run Auto Mouse Clicker Step by Step and allows you to enter a comment for every Mouse Click. The System Wide HotKey combinations can be used to automate many functions of Auto Mouse Clicker.
Mouse Click
Mouse Click Software Utility to auto mouse click. Mouse Click allows to automate left button click of mouse, right button click of mouse, single or double mouse clicks easily with command line parameters. Mouse Click software can not only automate mouse clicks, but can also return mouse cursor to it's original location after clicking the mouse. Download and evaluate the software utility for free, the evaluation version of the software utility works without any nagging pop ups or reminders.
Download Mouse Click now and save precious time by automating repetitive mouse clicks.
Timer ScreenSaver
Timer ScreenSaver is a Screen Saver to display a digital timer on your computer screen and save the Computer Screen(s) by turning them off after configurable duration / idle minutes. Timer ScreenSaver enjoys all the benefits of a normal Screen Saver which include setting up a password to prevent unauthorized access to your computer, easy configurable options from control panel and small file size to download and install.
Download Timer ScreenSaver now and get a digital countdown timer on your desktop.
The timer display of Timer ScreenSaver can be of two types as displayed in the screenshot. One option is to display actual idle time and second is to display the time for which the ScreenSaver is running. In case you select Idle Time, then the actual time for which the computer has been left idle will be displayed. Idle Time termed here is the time duration for which there has been no user input. However in case you select Timer as the option to display, then the timer countdown will start from the time when ScreenSaver is launched.
Timer ScreenSaver has currently not been tested on Dual Display and Multiple Monitors connected to a single computer. In case you do opt for turning off display after configurable minutes, all the monitors / displays connected to the computer would be turned off by the ScreenSaver. The Timer ScreenSaver works on Windows Operating System (Windows XP, Vista and 7).

Screen Saver

MurGee ScreenSaver can save screen by turning it off after inactivity. MurGee Screen Saver can be easily configured from Windows Screen Saver properties control panel item. After defined time out, MurGee Screen Saver will be activated as any other screens saver, however this screen saver can save you power, electricity and computer screen.
Download MurGee Screen Saver now and start saving your computer screen by turning it off. The ScreenSaver can be used to log off signed on user, shutdown computer and hibernate computer as well. The ScreenSaver can be useful to add a little bit of more security as you govern, what should be done when nobody is using computer and the computer is left idle. Click on the image at left to find out more about the screensaver.
In case you have setup dual displays or multiple monitors for your computer, this ScreenSaver will turn off all of the monitors connected to your computer.
Auto Mouse Mover
Auto Mouse Mover is a Free to try Software Utility to move Mouse Cursor automatically without human intervention. Moving Mouse Automatically can be useful to prevent your computer from entering into idle state and hence idle actions defined in control panel will not come into effect. One Example of Idle Action may be to Hibernate Computer, if Computer is left idle for 20 Minutes. Click on Auto Mouse Mover or Screenshot of Auto Mouse Mover to find out more information about the mouse utility.
Download and try Auto Mouse Mover for free and Automate Mouse Cursor Movements with a Single Click to Launch the Auto Mouse Utility.
Network Controller
Network Controller to allow you to control network connections easily and quickly. Use Toggle LAN Desktop Shortcut to Enable or Disable connected or disconnected LAN Connections. View List of available Network Connections or Toggle LAN State with a button press.
Screenshot shows Network Controller running on Windows Vista on a Laptop. The List displays two available Network Connections. One of the available Network Connection is a LAN (Local Area Network) Connection, which is used to access internet. Other available network connection displayed is a Wireless Network Connection which does not have any available Wireless connection and hence the state of the Network Connection displays media Disconnected.
The button Labelled Toggle LAN State when pressed would disconnect already connected Network Connections, which is the LAN Connection in the figure. The button press would not change the state of Wireless Network Connection as it is not in connected state. Another button press would again toggle the LAN State. Once the LAN is connected / disconnected with the button press, list of network connections would be refreshed after 3 seconds to reflect the Network Connections state.

Network Controller setup can also install a Desktop Shortcut to Enable / Disable LAN Connections. Network Controller would require admin privileges to run as the changes done would affect all users of the Windows Computer. Network Controller has been tested on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
Download Network Controller and Enable / Disable LAN Connections easily with Shortcut on Desktop and view available Network Connections in the main window of Network Controller.
Logon Controller
Change Windows 7 Logon Screen to any selected jpg image file. Click on any of the thumbnails to set the image as Windows 7 Login Background. You can revert back to Original Windows 7 Login Screen with a Single Click. Lock Computer or Workstation to Verify the Changes done to the Windows 7 Login Screen.
Download Windows 7 Logon Controller and change / configure Windows 7 Login Background to any selected jpg image file.

Auto Clicker and Auto Typer
Give your fingers some rest and let the automation utilities do some work. The Mouse Cursor Automation Software named Auto Clicker can be used to automate Mouse Cursor Clicking. Use Auto Clicker to start or stop mouse cursor clicking with configurable shortcut key. Easily configurable delay of upto milliseconds will give you total control of automatic mouse clicking.
In case you are looking forward to automate typing on keyboard, Auto Typer can be of use. With Auto Typer Software Download you can automate repetitive typing on keyboard. You can even automate special keyboard keys such as Enter, Tab, etc.
Multiple Monitors
Multiple Monitors document provides information about setting up and using Multiple Monitors to your computer. The document describes uses, limitations, requirements, display modes and much more. Navigate to the link mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph to start your journey into the world of multiple monitors to give you performance benefits, offer time savings and much more.
Auto Keyboard Presser by Autosofted
The Autosofted Auto Keyboard Presser and Recorder is a fully hotkey compatible tool, it is also very simple to use.
- Publisher: Autosofted
- Home
- Last updated: January 19th, 2018
Auto Typer by MurGee
Auto Typer can be used to automate typing of words or sentences using configurable keyboard hotkeys. This can be useful for entering web-addresses, email IDs, usernames, and other texts that you type frequently. Auto Typer sits in System Tray without using much memory, and can be launched whenever you need to edit the hotkeys and texts.
- Publisher: MurGee
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- Last updated: May 22nd, 2018
Auto Keyboard Mouse Clicker and Fast Copy Paste
Auto Keyboard Mouse Clicker and Fast Copy Paste is a macro-based automation tool. It can automatically simulate keyboard keys, automatically simulate mouse actions. It can also quickly copy and paste your text messages. The software can save your time and improve your productivity.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: September 18th, 2016
Auto Key Presser is an application which can automatically press a specified key repeatedly in a specified amount of time. You can choose to press a single key or a key combination.Features- Automatic Key Press events in specified time.- Works silently from the notification area.
- Publisher: Arifur Rahman
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- Last updated: March 19th, 2021
Digital Radio
Digital Radio is a powerful tool for the management of a USB Trasmitter. It comes with features such as auto connection to the serial port, check of the settings sent to the radio, and calibration procedures; hence, it can perfectly replace the original t6config application.
- Publisher: Stefano Grassi
- Home
- Last updated: September 7th, 2015
Auto Presser
Auto Presser is a tool that can press a specified key automatically. Some games require the user to hold a key continuously. You can use Auto Presser to do this.
- Publisher: EverSoft
- Home
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019
MurGee Auto Talker
MurGee Auto Talker is a program that allows you to type text messages automatically. It can be useful when you want Multiple Text sentences to be typed onto the Active Application with delay in between Text Sentences with a single Keyboard Shortcut, fast and precise.
- Publisher:
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- Last updated: May 7th, 2014
Folder Lock
If in search of a comprehensive solution to protect all your sensitive information from prying eyes, Folder Lock offers you not only strong password protection and encryption, but also an unassailable backup to recover your lockers and wallets in case of data loss. It can protect both your system drives and whatever USB devices you wish to carry with you.
- Publisher: NewSoftwares LLC
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- Last updated: April 8th, 2021
Auto Keyboard
This program allows you to automate tasks in an easy way. You only need to create a new task and add the keys you need to be pressed, as well as the mouse clicks if required. Then, you can save this combination and schedule it to be carried out at preset intervals, or only when you press a hotkey.
- Publisher: Auto-Keyboard Team
- Last updated: June 30th, 2014
Auto Mouse Click
Auto Mouse Click is a simple program that lets you automate a series of mouse clicks at specified X-Y points on the screen. You can add any number of click actions to its list and run them in sequence. Each action can have an X-Y point, action type (left-click, right-click, middle-click, mouse move, mouse dragging), delay (milliseconds), and whether or not to move the cursor back.
- Publisher: MurGee Softwares Pvt Ltd.
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- Last updated: July 29th, 2020
Auto Mouse Clicker
Auto Mouse Clicker can be used to automate left and right mouse-clicks at specified points on your screen. It can keep your mouse cursor clicking according to a defined script. Each action in a script can have parameters such as the click type (left, right, double-click), delay (in milliseconds), and number of times to click.
- Publisher: MurGee
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- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020
Auto Mouse Mover
Auto Mouse Mover Software Utility allows you to move the mouse automatically which prevents your computer from logging off. Auto Mouse Software works with all Windows Operating Systems including Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 2000, Windows 7 and other Windows versions.
- Publisher: MurGee
- Home
- Last updated: January 30th, 2021
Datasnip Serial to Keyboard redirection
Datasnip is a simple Communication port to Keyboard buffer redirection program. Characters arriving at aSerial Communication port of a PC will be transferred to the keyboard buffer allowing data to be importedto any user application program that allows a keyboard input.
Auto Typer Murgee Crack Version
- Publisher: Priority 1 Design
- Home
- Last updated: March 28th, 2012
Keyboard Sounder
Auto Typer By Murgee Crack
Play 3D sound effect when a keyboard button or mouse key is pressed.
- Publisher: aldzsoft
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008
LabWedge Serial COM Port to Keyboard Buffer
LabWedge Serial COM Port to Keyboard Buffer is simply the best RS232 data capture & virtual keyboard software available.Main features:- Add Date and Time to recorded reading- Add Units to recorded reading- Record with... On-Screen Button, 'F' Key, Foot pedal- Add any prefix or suffix to recorded reading- Single or Timed reading(s).
- Publisher: ProWedge
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011
Auto-Keyboard is a software that imitate keyboard keystroke and mouse action. You may enter a group of keystrokes or mouse actions then it will automatically and repeatedly generate the group of keystrokes or mouse actions. Auto-Keyboard can economize a lot of times for you if you have a lot of and repeated keyboard or mouse working.
- Publisher: AutoKeyboard
- Last updated: April 20th, 2018

Play Spetrix ! New colors and new graphics. Use the pieces to create lines. Do you have what it takes to be able to play ?Spetrix is also playable with the mouse, not only the keyboard.
- Publisher: BladeSoftware
RS-232 Monitor convert serial data into ASCII values to pick out hidden spaces and special characters.An added bonus is the Data wedge that sends all incoming serial data to your windows keyboard buffer.This Serial RS-232 utility has become very useful to engineers.
- Publisher: ScaleProgrammers
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