I've seen the Remington tables with the serial number blocks, but maybe I'm just that stupid that they don't make sense to me. My gun has two sets of markings, and I'm reading that the serial number alone isn't that accurate. So first, it has an 'infinity' symbol, like an 8 on it's side, followed by XX, then a 63. The serial number, is 616xxxx.
Remington Serial Number Chart
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(From the Cody Firearms Museum)

- The Remington Model 10 A was manufactured between 1908 and 1929, with a total production of about 275,600 units. The guns had a simple serial code system, which started with 001 and went to 275,600. The serial number on all guns made was preceded by the letter U. According to the Remington Society of America barrel date codes were used.
- Remington serial #ed all their rifles, I have a M24 Gallery Gun that was built in the early '20s, and it's a got a serial #. The Model 12's # is probably on the tang or under the front of the receiver, like my M24. Dad's old Stevens 86D, which I have now, isn't numbered anywhere except for some patent numbers which don't illuminate when it was.
- Remington introduced the Model 51 for the civilian market in late 1918, and ramped up to full production in 1919. Production declined steadily in succeeding years and ended in 1927-though approximately fifty-one.380s and ten.32s were assembled from remaining parts between 1928 and 1934.
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